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Why Change?

By Inspiration, Support

When we consider the dictionary definition of transformation we find words like – change in form, appearance, nature or character. The operative word here is change. Transformation is the process of change across form – or from one form to another. What you experienced yesterday is gone because the world changes every day. People change. Weather changes. Relationships change. Prices change. Emotions change. Circumstances change. Practices change. Everything changes. Everything is changing, is in motion and transforms every second. And…

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Would you believe it?

By Inspiration, Support

Isn’t it interesting how some people respond to your care readily and yet others with seemingly similar ‘problems’ and severity are resistant to improvement? It seems like the architecture and mechanics of the human body is pretty consistent across most of humankind. Science has consensus (for the most part) around anatomy, osteology, physiology, neurology and so on. Obviously, there are subtle variations in all of these from individual to individual and as a result, we find that every person in…

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Smart Thinking

By Quest, Support

Warning. This article has a push towards Quest and its services – a sort of infomercial if you will. It is in response to the questions and situations we encounter with chiropractors seeking our services on a daily basis and I thought it worthy of discussion. As a chiropractor in the ‘trenches’, it is easy to cocoon within your practice ‘bubble’ and not notice the familiar things that are not working but you still keep doing. There is one thing…

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By Quest, Support

Preserving global ecology, saving the environment and all the actions that come with it are reaching fever pitch. Well meaning people focus attention on the external environment and yet continue to pollute their internal environment with truckloads of medical concoctions in the name of health care. At the same time they level vicious criticism upon chiropractic as being unnecessary and indeed dangerous in its contribution to health care. Arguably chiropractic is the most sustainable, cleanest, energy efficient, non-polluting health care…

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Chiropractic Courses

By How we can help, Support

Chiropractic Colleges now exist around the World. Students complete a five to six year undergraduate course (dependant on which country they are trained in). Courses include a rigorous basic science component along with Chiropractic philosophy, Chiropractic technique, business management, communication skills, along with many others integral components. By the time someone graduates from Chiropractic school they are able to perform Chiropractic proficiently and with ease. At Quest Chiropractic Coaching we help bridge the gap between graduate level Chiropractic and ‘Mastery’. We…

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How to Choose a Coach

By Support

As you consider a coach, ask yourself: • Am I clear on my reasons for taking on a coach? • Am I ready for coaching? • Am I prepared to do my part? In choosing a coach: • Interview several coaches from different organisations. Most will offer a complimentary consultation. • How well did they establish rapport, listen to you, assist you in a new perspective, intensify your hunger for more? • Which one is aligned to your values and…

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Accept Responsibility To Hold Others Accountable

By Support, Your Practice

This is a series of thoughts addressing the theme of excellence based on a famous quote from Rita Mae Brown, the American novelist and activist. She stated that “You cannot invest your life’s spirit into a compromise” and over the next few weeks I want to visit some of the key components of this viewpoint and how it relates to your practice. As we discussed earlier in this series of blogs holding oneself accountable to one’s values and purposes is…

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Design A System That Keeps You In Integrity

By Quest, Support

This is a series of thoughts addressing the theme of excellence based on a famous quote from Rita Mae Brown, the American novelist and activist. She stated that “You cannot invest your life’s spirit into a compromise” and over the next few weeks I want to visit some of the key components of this viewpoint and how it relates to your practice. On the back of last week’s discussion on values I want to address the practical application of your…

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Appropriate Care

By Support, Your Practice

As chiropractors we often think that the people who present at our practice are only after an immediate outcome to their presenting condition and nothing more. The thought is that people want an adjustment for their given malady and they want the care to be effective, short term and affordable. Based on that misunderstanding we focus much of our time and attention on mastering our technical skills, we serve them with the best techniques and most appropriate and effective clinical care…

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Develop A Culture Of Learning Experiences

By Support, Tips & Guides

Have you ever found yourself in practice or in your life, getting immersed in the seriousness, importance and significance of who you are and what you do? After all, making the changes to people’s lives that you do as a chiropractor is a serious business. It is important to get it right and to produce the best results that you can and to this end isn’t it important to get everything right and therefore not attempt things that are risky…

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The Business End Part 2

By Quest, Support

Last week we discussed part 1 of this two part consideration of how, in our goal of being the best in our science and art of our professional package we are efficient at being safe, giving good service and getting great results BUT chiropractors do not ensure that we thrive in this material world. There are essentially two forms of strategy that will make a huge difference to your business and private life. Last week we discussed the first strategy…

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Must Get Around To It

By Support, Your Practice

We are now 2 weeks into the New Year and I would mind betting that you have already noticed yourself procrastinating on some aspect of your 2015 resolve. It may be just a little thing here or there but the structure is the same – putting off to tomorrow what you could have, (or by your rules or decisions) should have done today. Now, it’s pretty hard to find a person who does not procrastinate at all from time to…

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