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4 Simple Steps to Stop New Patients From Quitting Care

Today we’re talking about ‘The 4 Simple Steps to STOP new patients from quitting care when their presenting complaint disappears’.
AND it takes less than 1 minute.
People have beliefs around what chiropractic is and does. These beliefs will dictate the person’s behaviours and their habits. These habits have created the way that they do health care.
Most are rigid and are hard to shift BUT some can be changed.
By the way there’s a worksheet that we are giving out.
If you want a copy of it, click here >>…
If you don’t have this aspect nailed in your practice, you will probably be struggling with these 4 big problems;
1. Patients set their own schedules no matter how strictly you define them
2. Patients think that their presenting complaint is what chiropractic is good for
3. Patients will only refer others for what they came for
4. As soon as the presenting problem goes – they go – until next time
It may seem like there is little that you can do to change a person’s head space. Many chiropractors resort to strong measures of control and management including contracts and locked in fee systems.
We live in the hope that they will change their word view by experiencing their presenting complaint disappear. This is not likely.
Instead of 1-4 above you can change this IF you apply a specific process. This one minute of your time pays massive dividends.
Let’s have a look at what you can do to bring about huge changes with your practice member’s journey.
Describe 1st visit
1. Calibrate/observe
2. Listen/Duplicate
3. Feel/2nd position shift
4. Match/Lead
When a person connects with their higher purpose and values they move to a higher level of engagement. This results in practice members seeing the bigger offering – being open for more options – seeing beyond short term care
Click the link to get the Worksheet that describes the Yes/Yes consult >>…
OR – If you want to really nail your 1st visit then book a 15 minute time slot where we can have a short chat about your needs >>