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Bring on the Stress

When people go into the weightless environment of space, stress is eliminated to a large degree from their bodies. In this environment, their body has nothing to push against and starts to weaken, muscles start to atrophy and bones start to demineralise. Innate intelligence needs forces, commonly known as tropisms, to grow to. Without opposing forces, we shrivel and die.

The avoidance of stress is endemic in our society. We have developed a culture that is hell-bent on reducing risk and making life easy. We are taught from a young age that if something hurts we need to avoid it or take something to make it better. The reduction of pain has become an obsession, with countless millions being spent on medical care, drugs and other solutions to reduce or ease pain, be it physical, mental or emotional.

As chiropractors, we are challenged with the paradox of not wanting people to suffer, but at the same time, knowing the value in the process. Whilst some chiropractors are pushing to include pain meds in their scope of practice, most know that there is no growth without stress. We know that stress, pain, disease, and discomfort make us more resilient. They are normal and valuable facts of life, without which we cannot grow.

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger so bring on the stress.