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Why use Chiropractic DVDs in Your Practice?

Chiropractic DVD

Internal marketing in a chiropractic practice depends on providing information, which is often quite generic and then personalizing that information, which is very individual. We can deliver generic information easily through the use of a chiropractic DVD. Once the practice member has the general information, we provide them with the personalised information.

The Journey Chiropractic DVD

At Quest we employ the metaphor of a Journey to convey to people the fact that who they are today is
a product of their entire life so far. The issue that came on today in their body or their life was not a result
of what happened today but the sum total of what has gone on through their lifetime. When people
realise this they embrace the idea that lifestyle plays a vital part in what happens to them and the
process of recovery and rebuilding through the chiropractic lifestyle is in many cases a long-term process.

This new and often unique vision offers people a context for their relationship with us, which sometimes
leads to them embracing the lifestyle components of care for themselves and their family right from
the get go. This is not usually the case, however as most often this is a ‘drip feed’ process and must
be designed in to your education and clinical delivery in your practice. Just as the practice member
needs to understand that the results they are after will be obtained in time so do chiropractors need to
understand that getting the chiropractic viewpoint across to people is also a matter of a Journey that
takes time.

Part of this Journey process is the RCA and PCA videos. We supply these DVDs to move your practice clients towards an informed and empowered state.

Whilst some of these products are of our own creation there are a number of third party products which we either sell or recommend.