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What can Chiropractic Posters do for your Practice?

Chiropractic Posters

Let your walls ‘talk’. Chiropractic posters are an important part of your practice member communication program. They are working for you 24/7 as long as someone is viewing them, so make sure that the messages they are conveying are consistent with the purpose of your practice.

The Two Types of Chiropractic Posters You Need

There are two types of posters, the concept posters that give a feel good energy in a message that communicates an aspect of chiropractic philosophy. The informational posters which we have developed and sell communicate specifics about things like the types of care or stages of spinal decay.

1.Concept Chiropractic Posters

As we just mentioned, this poster is used to create positive energy and communicates aspects of chiropractic philosophy. We do not supply this type of poster at Quest. To create a poster which reflects you, we suggest that you might want to get some printed which match you brand and message. Otherwise, you can browse online and in shops to find your perfect concept poster to match your practice.

2.Informational Chiropractic Posters

Informational chiropractic posters are a wonderful tool to visually communicate chiropractic. Quest utilises two posters – Spinal Decay and The Journey. The Spinal Decay poster is great for showing practice members what stage their spine is at and what it should look like. The Journey poster graphically depicts the “Journey” and the options of the chiropractic lifestyle.

If you have any more questions about practice member education, contact the Quest Team and we will be able to provide you with information.