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Why have Chiropractic Charts and posters on your walls?

Chiropractic Charts and Posters

Having trouble explaining the chiropractic journey to new and existing practice members? Each of your practice members absorbs information differently. Words can be confusing and go in one ear and out the other. Many people need a combination of visual and verbal. Chiropractic charts and posters are a great way to deliver information to your practice members in a simple, easy to understand way.

What do your walls say to practice members?

Apart from being great tools for delivering information. Having chiropractic charts and posters in your practice provides people with imagery while in your practice and will ensure the message is going to sit in their heads long after they have viewed the poster.

Explaining Quest Chiropractic Charts and Posters

The team at Quest decided to develop chiropractic charts and posters for others which would communicate the choices of care available in easy to understand graphics. I want to take you on a journey through our posters to show you how useful something so simple and affordable can be.

The Journey Poster

The Journey Poster

We love this poster because it depicts the practice members journey through chiropractic and the options of chiropractic lifestyle. We let a practice member know where they sit on this chart and show them where they can be in an easy to understand image. The practice member can the see themselves moving through each stage until they reach optimisation care.

Get your Journey poster here.

Spinal Decay Poster

Spinal Decay Poster Example

This poster illustrates the phases of spinal decay. It is a hard hitting image which helps people to visually see where they should be sitting and where they are sitting.

Get your spinal decay poster here.

These charts are a clear and simple outline of the path forward as established in “The Journey” suite of products including the Pre Care Class, the Corrective Care Class and the Advanced Health Class. If you want to make in impact on your practice members be sure to use imagery which they can understand.