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Four lessons from Bill – Lesson #3

In this series of blogs I am tracking on one person who came to see me recently. I want to point out the lessons that he has brought to me.

Today’s lesson is quite short but very profound.

To sum up the last blog – The science of chiropractic has been accumulating over the past 120 years. There is plenty of science to substantiate the amazing changes we see on a daily basis.

But, the science that we have behind us which helps explain why chiropractic works is not enough in and of itself.

There are some things that just aren’t quantifiable.

Our friend Bill continued to get checked and adjusted as he noticed various signs and symptoms disappearing that he had previously considered to be ‘normal’.

One day he came in and made, what I consider a profound observation. As I had mentioned in the last post that he felt that his heart had opened up to the point where he could bring another dog back into his life. Well this day he told me that he will probably put off getting another dog for now even though he knows he now can have one in his life. His reason being that he wants to get his own life together so that he can be a good example to the dog!! He realised that the angry Rottweiler that he had to have put down 2 years before was a reflection of the angry Bill of that time.

My suspicion is that this shift has something to do with the fact that in chiropractic he found people who believed in him. In the chiropractic practice he found a team of people who had his higher good foremost in their minds so that every encounter in the practice was one of respect and acknowledgement of Bill. It wasn’t about practice member number 20 with the back pain or even client number 20 with the thoracic subluxations. It was about Bill and his life.

Bill’s lesson for me is in the importance of being present. It’s in applying our art with impeccable standards and precision. It’s about listening. It’s about the subtle art of removing the qualitative ‘subluxations’ in both ourselves and the person who brings us the lesson – innate to innate and educated to educated.