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Life Challenges and Chiropractic

Life Challenges

We all have life challenges. The opportunities that we often encounter in life can come cloaked in a negative disguise. I know, you have probably heard this all before. You are probably thinking it is easier said than done when it comes to taking a life challenge and creating an opportunity.

But, you are likely to read this article to find out if we have the key to your challenges to open the door of opportunity.

Guess what? Great News! That is exactly what I am going to attempt.

Life throws all kinds of stuff our way. You want to make your chiropractic practice a successful business. However, we both know that things don’t always go our way (unfair, right?). You face challenges at every corner with finding time for your personal life and then balancing it all with the challenges which come with being in practice.

Here is the part where I help you create opportunity from challenge in two simple steps!

Step One: Identifying Your Life Challenges

The obvious first step. What is the challenge you face? Is your practice eating into family time? Difficulties with the associates? Difficulties attracting new practice members?

The list goes on, and you should probably list them all.

Step Two: Get HELP!

Your time and energy should be best spent delivering the best care possible care to your practice members.

It is very useful to have a skilled person offer a perspective that allows you to see the situation from a different point of view. This is where Quest can help you! Mark and the team are The in8model® Practitioners and are able to elegantly and easily move you through these defining moments in life.

The in8model® Coaching System is focused on ensuring that every action you take in your life and practice is consistent with your highest values and therefore is of the highest ethical standards.  It is not based on what the coach or others think you should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t, or ought / ought not to do.  It is based on what you know is right for you – It is based on your integrity.