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Common Mistakes in Chiropractic Locums & Associate Practices

Sometimes we find ourselves in a conflicting situation and we wish that we had someone to bounce ideas off. You may be a chiropractic associate practice or locum with a difficult principal or team member to deal with. You may be a practice principle with a challenging associate or locum to deal with. We love hearing from chiropractors in these conflicting situations and helping them resolve their issues.

An associate practice can be heaven or hell, we know plenty of associate practices that have gone ‘pear shaped’. Why does this happen? There are plenty of reasons why this happens and often it comes down to inadequate planning and communication. Let’s break down some of the reason’s associate practices go ‘pear shaped’ so you can avoid these mistakes!

Associate Practices Mistakes:

1.Not being ready mentally or financially to take on an associate

This is mistake occurs when you rush into taking on an associate without being mentally or financially prepared. You need to take the time to assess whether this is the right choice for you. How are you going to attract the right chiropractic associate? Take the time to create a selection criteria and work out what your remuneration options are.

2.Not having the practice well enough equipped with procedures for an associate

Having a procedure is important for everything which occurs in your practice. It provides guidance and identifies roles and responsibilities.

3.Not getting agreements in place at the beginning based on shared expectations

Have agreements and contracts in place. This will help identify whether your expectations are similar and if anything goes wrong what steps will be taken.

We have had extensive experience in these areas of practice and are, therefore are able to provide you with practical solutions and common-sense advice. So if you are thinking about getting an associate or becoming one check out our products and services.