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Long Term Perspective

We live in a moment-by-moment world. People just want their current issues fixed. They want instant results. They are driven in most areas of their life by a short-term perspective. They want to be fixed right now and they won’t worry about it until next time the issue occurs and at that time they will seek the same ‘band aid’ solution.

Chiropractors aren’t too dissimilar. They just want to fix a problem with their practice. It may be a team issue, a practice member compliance issue, a new practice member drought issue, a cash flow issue – whatever the ‘problem’ is; they just want to fix it.

You may relate to this.

If we don’t have a perspective of where we are relative to where we have been relative to where we are going then we will see everything as an acute emergency to be dealt with as quickly as its onset. The old adge of “If we don’t understand our history we are bound to repeat it” is so true in this context. There is little awareness and growth that occurs at this level of activity.

If we were to cast our memory back over the past and become aware of the Journey we have taken so far we will become aware of the patterns we have created. We will understand the causative relationships and we will see the current ‘issue’ as an integral part of that process.

Appreciating this viewpoint then leads us to see the future in a different way. It allows us to take a long-term perspective and plan accordingly. From this vantage point we get to look beyond. We get to set long term outcomes, create a long term vision. After all, the Sony Corporation has a 200-year vision, why can’t you have at least a 2 or 3-generation vision.

When you adopt a long-term vision you will then call your practice members to a long-term vision, long-term behaviours and habits and create long-term relationships with them.

Seek to convert the short-term thinking to a long-term perspective and leave a legacy.