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Who Do You Serve – Part 2

We are currently reflecting on where the people you serve are at in their journey relative to chiropractic. We are visiting the various types and suggesting a few thoughts on how to develop and graduate the type to the next level.

Last week we spoke about the suspects and this week we look at…

The Prospect

This is the shopper. The person who is in the market for what you have to offer but they don’t know a lot about it. They are trying to sort out the truth from all the conflicting information that they have accumulated. Their ignorance on the subject often sees them shopping by price alone as that is one measure that they understand.

Their trust in you is pretty low and they will knock on your door and seek your services but they are not sold on you or what you offer- they are testing the waters.

These people must have a safety net or a way out in case things don’t resonate with them.

With this group make sure that you connect closely with them. Have them proceed with extreme baby steps – don’t make any assumptions. Get clear agreements and make sure that you honor them. This is where the Yes/Yes agreement at the beginning of the first consult is gold. Make sure that you give very specific instructions so the person knows exactly what is required of them. For this person to proceed they must feel safe, they must know what they need to do and must know what lies ahead.