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Who Do You Serve – Part 6

We are currently reflecting on where the people you serve are at in their journey relative to chiropractic. We are visiting the various types and suggesting a few thoughts on how to develop and graduate the type to the next level.

Last week we spoke about the Advocate and this week we look at…

Raving Fans

These people are very few in numbers in most chiropractic practices. They scour the countryside for people to join your flock. In their eyes you and chiropractic are the saviors of humanity – you can do no wrong and can fix all of mankind’s woes.

As with the Advocates that we spoke of last week, these people require that you are always occupying a bigger place than they. If you are not a raving fan of chiropractic and your role in it then don’t expect them to take on that position and stay in the practice. (They may, however decide to go off to chiropractic college themselves).

Your personal attention to these people is most desirable. Ask them their opinion on your practice, team and of you as a provider. Ask them for their suggestions on improvement and outreach and I am sure that they will suggest ideas and strategies that are far bigger than those that you would have thought of yourself.

Make sure that they are recognised for what they do on a regular basis. Vary the acknowledgements that you give them for the many referrals that they send into the practice. A special acknowledgement at the end of the year is often appreciated.

Ensure that your practice has events and community outreach activities throughout the year, as the raving fans want to be a part of a movement.

Above all, don’t take these people for granted. Make sure that the ‘red carpet’ that you roll out for new people in your practice is rolled out for the loyal followers who are here long after the practice members have gone.

Make sure that you cultivate all the levels of your practice tribe – to use a gardening analogy there is much planting, fertilising and weeding to be done to move people from suspects to raving fans. Enjoy the process.