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Wiling to Share Themselves With Others

This is a series of thoughts addressing the theme of excellence based on a famous quote from Rita Mae Brown, the American novelist and activist. She stated that “You cannot invest your life’s spirit into a compromise” and over the next few weeks I want to visit some of the key components of this viewpoint and how it relates to your practice.

Theme – Willing to share themselves with others

Everything that you think you have to hide from a practice member shuts a part of you down.

How often do you put on the ‘professional’ persona when addressing your practice members? How often do you not share the things that you are passionate about with your people? How often do you not discover the details of how your practice members think, feel and behave?

Many chiropractors see it as their role to control and manage their practice member’s needs. This comes from a calling to administer to their therapeutic demands. At this level the approach by the practitioner is guarded or even defensive. It is fear based and focuses on the ‘problem’ that is presenting.

Other chiropractors are willing to be authentic partners in the person’s generative journey of the discovery of life. In this situation the chiropractor allows him/her self to reveal their self to practice members without fear or favour.

This week, notice how you approach your people. Do you close yourself down when you enter your practice or allow yourself to be transparent, vulnerable and open as you conduct your chosen profession?