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#6 of the 7 Factors

This week we will consider the sixth factor that will have a significant affect on your results this year. If you explore it and use it wisely you will amplify every goal, resolution and hope that you currently have.

We have spoken about the importance of structure and its appropriate alignment. We then explored the importance of movement with flexibility and grace. We then considered the importance of deciding on your direction. We addressed the sustenance of body and mind via nutrition and last week the power that comes with taking responsibility for everything that occurs in your life.

Today, we will look at the phenomena of association. The people who you have engaged with up to now and especially those who you currently hang out with have gone a long way to forming who you are and what you have. They say that your income is that of the average of the 5 or 6 people who you most hang out with.

If you are associating with high level people you will attract high-level situations and things to you. If you are associating with low-level players you will, likewise attract low level situations and things (including money) to you.

Whilst you can’t choose your family and its not about turning your back on your ‘flesh and blood’ it is about being very discerning about who you associate with by choice. When we are in the presence of others there is a part of us that seeks to be like them. This blog is not about mirror neurons and their function but just know that the company you keep is a vibratory environment that forms you and results in your behaviours, choices and outcomes.

Your associations this year will have a significant impact on your accomplishments.