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Experience What’s Possible…

Everything is constantly moving. Even inanimate objects aren’t really motionless. They are just vibrating so rapidly they appear to be solid. That’s why it’s important to constantly reassess. Even your practice’s color scheme needs to be reassessed on a regular basis. Nothing stays constant. And fearing change won’t do you any good. It only holds you back from “what’s possible.” It keeps you rigid and promotes inflexibility and ultimately death.

Think about this…If you brood about change and hope everything stays the same (your life, relationships, children, practice and finances), how can you transform to a higher state of existence?

The answer is…You can’t!

Compare change to canoeing. You can’t just paddle into life’s river, throw out an anchor and expect to stay in the same place. The waves of change will move you – or worse, capsize the boat and transform it and you if you don’t pay attention.

You have to watch the waves, adjust your paddling, watch out for rocks, keep the canoe balanced and go where the current takes you. Don’t fight the current. All of us, in some way innately seek change. We read novels, go to movies and engage in sports that put us under the pump – it’s an inborn driver in human beings – it’s our way of evolving.

The cosmic joke on this is that there are no specific techniques or rituals that are required to invoke the power of transformation. There is no magic bullet. They are simply perspectives. There is nothing to DO it is a way of seeing what is.

In a real sense, they are intentions that attract experience that expands consciousness. They do not provide quick fixes and often there aren’t instant realizations. Often we are going through transformation when we least realise it. They are amplifiers of personal will and intention that clarify how one lives. Their transformative power is contained exclusively in the intent of their application. So when we intend to have the highest values honoured in a given circumstance we reflect that out the re and guess what happens – we start to notice it.

Identify the transformative opportunities going on in your life. Are you stressed out just thinking about them? Do you believe things are out of your control?

Really, being in control is a fallacy. The only thing you have control over is how you act towards transformative change. Change is the only constant. Once you grasp this fact, life becomes easier.

We see chiropractors who get really upset because the practice is taking a “nose-dive”. The fact is that this weeks stats were down on last week. It seems insane to have angst and upset about such a transitory blip. It shows high attachment to results – very fixed ideas.

Let’s look at a way that you can identify, accept and work with change by embracing it.

1. Write them in a journal or notebook.

For Example: “It appears that a significant source of my income may be at risk of drying up as a loyal family of 6 is moving interstate.”

2. Accept the change:

“This change is something over which I have no control and I will surrender to this situation, be grateful for it and see the opportunities that it brings and trust it will lead to even more great practice members in the future.”

3. Determine over what you do have control:

“I can control my reaction to this change. I will put even more attention on delivering exquisite service to every practice member who I do have the privilege to serve and be grateful for that”.

How often is it that you go home at the end of the day and bemoan the fact that 3 people didn’t show up whilst disregarding the tens of people who did turn up and who had great results. Focus of what you want – what works.

4. Do this exercise for every transformation that you’re experiencing.

Don’t look at transformation as good or bad. Think of it as an opportunity to honour your life because everything happens for a reason. You may not see the reason it happened now, but you will when the time is right.

So, go about your day noticing all of those areas of your life, which are beckoning you to let go of the bar and enter the unknown space of uncertainty. Surrender to the process that transforms your old self into your new self, your old practice into your new practice and embrace the change.