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Relationships are such because of the operative word ‘relate’. This word brings with it such phenomena as understanding, affinity, appreciation, tolerance, cooperation and collaboration. To relate is to be able to step into another person’s reality – To walk in their ‘shoes’ – to understand things from their perspective.

When people are in a relationship there is relating going on at many levels. The net effect of high level relating is agreement.

Agreement is a shared energy that bonds atoms, molecules, cells, organs, systems, individual people, groups, communities and cultures together. Agreement is formally signed and sealed in a legal sense. To this end the only agreement by the law is a written and signed agreement. In reality, the most powerful agreement is a handshake agreement that is underpinned by the integrity of the consenting parties.

Agreement is the key component of all relationships, personal and professional. Solid and enduring relationships are built on strong agreements. If agreement is weak, incongruent or simply not present the relationship is tenuous at best and has a fair chance of failure.

It is critical in every relationship that you have as a chiropractor be sealed by agreement between you and the person who is joining with you in a clinical outcome setting. As well as the practice member you are working with remember that ALL influential parties involved in the relationship must be taken into account. This includes those who have an interest in and influence over the practice member.

Agreement must be multilateral.

Consider doing a review of your practice’s systems and processes. Look at what you do where there is less than really clear and precise agreement. This can include:

  • Your agreement with a new person as to what they are there for and what they can expect on the first visit
  • Your agreement at a report regarding the upcoming care, its frequency, duration and expectations of results
  • Your long term care projections and the possibility for the disappointment associated with unmet expectations
  • Your agreements with your team regarding hours, timeliness and the numerous expectations that you have of each other.

Remember, you are in the relationship business and this depends on you relating to those who you interact with. When an agreement is struck and adhered to it allows an individual, couple or group to build trust, pull together for the common good of all and create some awesomeness in this world – so get agreement.
