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In broad definition the word integrity means being complete and whole. This means having all parts and not just having them but having all the parts working all of the time producing the results that you desire. 

In this series of blogs I want to break this definition down into the specifics that relate to chiropractic and your roles as a chiropractor.

Firstly, a quote from Socrates that is relevant in this discussion. He said, “Be as you wish to be seen”. To me that really encapsulates the essence of integrity. This, to me speaks to two parts, the “Wish” and the “Be”.  

The “Wish” is your vision, your dream or desire. 

The “Be” is the end manifestation of your internal process of values, beliefs and identity as they express through you and your body. That is, being complete and whole in all aspects. It is about turning up as your authentic self. 

Imagine how it would be for you, as a chiropractor to be thinking, saying, doing, acting, having and being known as a consistent unit of thought, word and deed. 

Well you are just this. 

Everything that you do and have is consistent with your deeply held values and beliefs. Everything that you have right now is the result of your internal constructs of how life is. The number and type of people who occupy your adjusting tables, the team you have around you, the size of your bank account and asset portfolio, your relationships and family are all directly attributable to your values and beliefs.

The truth is that you cannot not be in integrity. Your whole life right now is as it is because you are in integrity with your values, beliefs and identity.

The question must be asked. Is your expression of your integrity what you want? Would you like it to be giving you something more or something different?

Consider this over the upcoming week as you do an audit on what you are “Being” and decide on the additions and deletions that you would like to have and next week we will look at redesign.