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A dying Indian chief, as the story goes, summons his three sons and tells them “Go out into the land and bring me the thing in the world that will serve our people the greatest. To the one of you who brings me the most valuable, I will give you leadership of our people.

The first son goes deep into the forest and finds a magnificently fashioned rock with incredible powers, the power to heal the sick. He brings it back to his father and says “this object has the ability to change any sick person to normal just like everybody else by simply cutting parts out and adding its special substances to the sick person’s body”. “That will save a lot of suffering, that will cure a lot of sickness in our people,” says the chief. “Well done.”

The second son goes beyond the forest up into the grasslands where the air is clean and the water is pure. There he finds a special plant with amazing powers to heal.
He returns to his father and says “this plant allows us to treat our peoples ills naturally with no damaging effects” The chief remarks “That is good, we can treat all the different diseases our people are getting with all the different remedies that this magical plant offers. We can have a natural solution to every malady that befalls us. “You have done well” commends the chief.

The third son ventured up, far beyond the forest and the high fields. He reached the top of the great mountain range and saw what was beyond the limited perspective that his people had been living in. He came back to his father who noted that he had nothing in his hands. “I have something greater than a mere physical thing,” he explained. “I went to the top of the mountain and I saw the other side. I saw the unlimited potential for our people to have a better life, a life where they can live free of the fears and constraints of the past. A land where the possibilities are endless, where people run their lives according to their innate spirits. Where its known that matter is simply energy in differing frequencies. Where health flows from inside/out and the health care providers gently facilitate the removal of interferences to the flow of the great source of life.

The chief said “That is good, my son. You shall lead our tribe, for it is people of vision who we need for next 100 years of our journey”.

Consider whether you are investing your time and money in getting the next new technique, practice growth system or neat marketing hack OR are you focused on the chiropractic vision on the other side of the mountains?

There are detractors both within and outside our ranks who are constantly trying to distort the vision and its often tempting to seek comfort and not stand for what chiropractic represents.

Every day, if you look carefully you will see your “line in the sand”, be it in dealing with the people in your practice, your profession, your local health and disease care community, the public or the government.

How often are you asked to surrender your vision in day to day practice? Make sure that you use the Journey Poster and remind your people of the immense possibilities that they can attain by engaging in the higher levels of your care through optimisation rather than settling for the mediocrity of relief and maintenance care.

Recapture the view from the top of the mountain, relay your vision to your tribe and to the world. In the midst of a big vision everyone prospers.

Mark Postles D.C.