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It’s useful to reflect on where the people you serve are at in their journey relative to chiropractic. There are a number of different ways of classifying the level of commitment that people have in your practice.

Over the next few weeks we will visit the various types and suggest a few thoughts on how to develop and graduate the type to the next level.

The Suspect

This is everyone out there who has not indicated interest is what you have to offer. It is not say they are not interested but they haven’t shown that they are.

Know that every person you meet or see could be a candidate for your services the question has to be around how do you appeal to them to create interest? What information or actions will help to move them to the next level?

This week consider ways to increase your outreach to your suspects. Do you have a plan in place? Does it include writing, blogging, promoting, speaking, advertising, screening and networking to name a few?

When you cast your ‘seeds’ widely many will fall on ‘deaf ears’ but some will fall on fertile soil, eventually germinating and generating interest.

Know that repetition is a critical factor here. It is commonly considered that a person must receive a message up to 10 times before they will take action on it.