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When its all about you

Office Evaluations

Every moment that you spend in your office in the experience of connecting with those people who you serve is an exchange of a part of your life. You invest an irretrievable unit of time with every person you see.

Whilst it could be argued that every person comes to you loaded with gifts and there is opportunity to extract massive pearls of wisdom and associated growth from them all it is also useful to consider why you are doing what you are doing. Is your relationship with the person you are adjusting right now a peak experience for you? Are you interested, intrigued and intensely connected to being there for that person in front of you?

There are so many people in your community available to be served by chiropractic so the question must be, is that person you are with, your “Ideal Person”? Is it important for you to have a quality practice? Imagine if every person you saw during the day was your “Ideal Person”.

The “Ideal Person” profile is derived from your office Statement of Purpose. Your Statement of Purpose defines the values which you respect in the context of “What” you do, “Who” you do it with, “How” you do it, “Why” you do it and “What results” you expect from doing it. The completed Statement of Purpose gives you the subjective “essence” of how your practice will look and feel (right down to smallest details like the color you paint the walls, what techniques you will employ, the character preferences of your staff, in fact every aspect of your practice including, of course the profile of the people you serve.

This week review your Statement of Purpose and consider the profile of your “Ideal Person”.