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Your Practice

Progressive Report of Findings

By History of Chiropractic, Tips & Guides, Your Practice
Today we are talking about The Simple Progressive Report of Findings System A super simple conversation system – say less and have people ascend more. If you want a copy of the worksheet click here.  Progressive exams and reports mark the completion of a phase of care and lead to the next phase of the journey and they are really important. When it comes to guiding practice members through their care many chiropractors are amazing at the report of findings....
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The Attractive Practice

By Your Practice

I saw a new person in the practice last week. A lady, mother of two with a litany of health complaints. When I enquired whether she had been to a chiropractor before she replied with – “YES and I vowed never to go to a chiropractor again – it was an uncomfortable and rather ugly experience”, she added. My interest was now aroused. Then what changed your mind, I asked. She explained that her bias was turned around by some…

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Bring Out Your ‘Mongrel’

By Associate Practice, Philosophy, Your Practice

As caring, sharing healers, chiropractors have a preference, in the main to be supportive and nurturing. These qualities are what set chiropractors up for success in their clinical field and get great results for their practice members. There are times, however when this style is counter-productive and it is appropriate to adopt a different style. Let’s take the bigger picture of improving prospective and existing client and public perceptions of you and your profession. Maybe we need to get more…

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Get Agreement

By Tips & Guides, Your Practice

Relationships are such because of the operative word ‘relate’. This word brings with it such phenomena as understanding, affinity, appreciation, tolerance, cooperation and collaboration. To relate is to be able to step into another person’s reality – To walk in their ‘shoes’ – to understand things from their perspective. When people are in a relationship there is relating going on at many levels. The net effect of high level relating is agreement. Agreement is a shared energy that bonds atoms,…

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Your Investigation ‘Hat’

By Tips & Guides, Your Practice

Investigation is a natural state for chiropractors. Our work tests our curiosity and inquisitiveness about the world and invokes an intense wonder about the functioning of natural processes. Chiropractors are willing to think outside the box –  to go against conventional thought and group think. Chiropractic is a disruptive movement that questions everything. It’s not a vocation, it’s a lifestyle that sees the world in unique ways. Not willing to suffer the status quo, chiropractors have a preference for the…

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The Chiropractic Dance of Discovery

By Inspiration, Your Practice

The journey of life is the journey of discovery. Take a minute to observe a child being a child in their natural state. Their absorbent mind is filled with curiosity for its environment and everything in it from a scratch on his skin to a fly on the wall to the movement of a pea on her dinner plate. There is a constant source of wonder, fascination and discovery. They notice, they explore, they test and then move on when…

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By Inspiration, Your Practice

The success of a year, like the success of any relationship, journey, business, practice or any other endeavour is best identified by the question; “For what purpose?”. When you are on a journey it is made meaningful, impact and successful to the degree that it sits with and honours your purpose. Purpose is a product of your Quadrant 1 activity as defined in thein8model® and this month we want to support and challenge you to explore the reason why you…

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Associate Practice

Which Associate Practice Model Suits You?

By Tips & Guides, Your Practice

In your eagerness to apply your professional skills have you overlooked the importance of designing your business model? In chiropractic college and the universities it’s not uncommon for academics and undergraduate lecturers to view the business side of our profession with disdain and sometimes contempt. As a result many chiropractors do not think about their professional activities as a business and as a result are doomed to working a job that centers on their favorite hobby – chiropractic. The idea…

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Practice Education

Looking Behind to Move Ahead

By Chiropractic Journey, Tips & Guides, Your Practice

We live in a moment-by-moment world. People present to your practice wanting current health issues fixed – now. They want you to provide instant results and then they won’t worry about it until next time the issue occurs and at that time they will seek the same ‘band-aid’ solution. It seems like the short-term perspective increasingly drives people in their decisions on life and their health. Well, how do you change this with your practice members who have learned that…

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Journey Pack

What do Your Practice Members really NEED?

By Tips & Guides, Your Practice

The majority of people come to see you initially driven by what they WANT. It may be pain or disease of some other ‘problem’ that is impinging on their life and giving them pain or distress of some sort. As we have discussed previously the apparent WANT (symptom, sign, annoyance etc.) is not the real reason – it’s usually got something to do with the inconvenience factor associated with that issue and their life’s activities. Anyway, the fact is that the person…

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Associate Practice Mastery

By Associate Practice, Quest, Your Practice

In my 40 plus years experience in creating and running associate practices I wouldn’t want to practice any other way. However my observation from coaching untold hundreds of chiropractors is that relatively few associate relationships work to the mutual satisfaction of both parties. It seems like there is a typical pattern here. The associate’s initial incantations of “I would give anything to work for you” soon turn into “you expect me to do too much” or “I’m not getting enough…

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