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Who Do You Serve – Part 3

By Tips & Guides, Your Practice

We are currently reflecting on where the people you serve are at in their journey relative to chiropractic. We are visiting the various types and suggesting a few thoughts on how to develop and graduate the type to the next level. Last week we spoke about the Prospects and this week we look at… Patients This person surrenders himself or herself to your care. This is a passive style of care. The person sees himself or herself as subservient to…

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Who Do You Serve – Part 2

By Tips & Guides, Your Practice

We are currently reflecting on where the people you serve are at in their journey relative to chiropractic. We are visiting the various types and suggesting a few thoughts on how to develop and graduate the type to the next level. Last week we spoke about the suspects and this week we look at… The Prospect This is the shopper. The person who is in the market for what you have to offer but they don’t know a lot about…

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Who Do You Serve?

By Tips & Guides, Your Practice

It’s useful to reflect on where the people you serve are at in their journey relative to chiropractic. There are a number of different ways of classifying the level of commitment that people have in your practice. Over the next few weeks we will visit the various types and suggest a few thoughts on how to develop and graduate the type to the next level. The Suspect This is everyone out there who has not indicated interest is what you…

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Pop It

By Inspiration, Quest

We all have a history of experiences, which contribute to our current abilities, wisdom and insights. Some chiropractors have had 10, 20 or more years experience in practice whilst others have had one years experience 10, 20 or more times. What is the difference that makes the difference? Ilia Priogine made observation of what he called dissipative structures where he noted that in any closed system when the pressure built to a certain point the system ‘popped’ to a new…

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How Sustainable Is Your Practice?

By Your Practice

Throughout my life Nelson Mandela has inspired me with his words of wisdom, his courageous acts and deeds. He led a life well lived and has left an indelible mark on the future of humanity. His legacy will be etched in people’s memories in the future. His wise words have implication to all situations of life and practice. From time to time I take a Mandela statement that resonates with me and will extrapolate it into the chiropractic context. Today’s…

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You Cant Shrink Your Way To Greatness

By Inspiration, Quest

With the recent organized attacks on chiropractic it appears that chiropractors are ‘pulling their heads in’ and laying low. Not willing to ‘rock the boat’ or state their position they are shrinking to an apologetic life of victimhood and settling for living below the line of accountability. This strategy results in chiropractors’ outreach to the public being negatively affected. Lower service rates obviously affect income and we are seeing many chiropractors (especially in Australia) taking a drop in income. This…

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Integrity Part 2

By Inspiration, Support

Last week I left you with the suggestion that you cannot NOT be in Integrity.  I posed the question; “Is your current expression of your integrity what you want”? “Would you like it to be giving you something more or less, something different or something better”? I trust that you have considered this question over the week and have done an audit on what you are “Being”. You may have identified and decide on the additions and deletions that you…

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By Quest, Tips & Guides

In broad definition the word integrity means being complete and whole. This means having all parts and not just having them but having all the parts working all of the time producing the results that you desire.  In this series of blogs I want to break this definition down into the specifics that relate to chiropractic and your roles as a chiropractor. Firstly, a quote from Socrates that is relevant in this discussion. He said, “Be as you wish to…

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Which Way To Move 2

By Inspiration, Quest

On the back of our discussion from last week we considered the direction people move – TOWARDS what they want and AWAY from what they don’t want.  I contend that most chiropractors move towards what they want and assume that their practice members do the same.  This assumption leads to frustration as people drop out of care prematurely and fail to follow through with long term care that optimises function.  The average person is more motivated by the idea of…

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Which Way To Move

By Inspiration, Tips & Guides

Have you paid attention to the way in which you move? Now, I don’t don’t mean the way you move your hips or the graceful movement of your hand gestures when you are adjusting. I mean the DIRECTION that you move your thinking. There are two ways that you can move on any issue – TOWARDS what you want or AWAY from what you don’t want. In other words, do you move towards the carrot achieving something or the stick…

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By Support, Your Practice

In an attempt to help people as much as possible as soon as possible many chiropractors ignore the power of scarcity. One thing that makes people want something more is to know that they can’t have it or that its availability is dwindling for them, or that it’s scarce or rare in some fashion. In health care those things that are difficult to possess are usually better. The hierachial structure of medicine and its control over numbers at the top…

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Its About Them for a Lifetime

By Quest, Your Practice

As chiropractors, we have an intense desire to help people. We have a very effective array of tools to give relief and support and we are very eager to employ them. This desire often sees us diving in to ‘help’ a person at the first indicator they present with. We think that they have come to see us to get chiropractic care for their presenting complaints. This is the chiropractor’s assumption and it is in error. When people come to…

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